
NatCon: PM should have tried driving a cab

In Political governance on 12/08/2013 at 5:01 am

Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg spent an afternoon working incognito as a taxi driver in Oslo, he has revealed.

Mr Stoltenberg said he had wanted to hear from real Norwegian voters and that taxis were one of the few places where people shared their true views.

He wore sunglasses and an Oslo taxi driver’s uniform for the shift in June, only revealing his identity once he was recognised by his passengers.

BTW, the passengers were not charged. This being S’pore, PM has to charge. Otherwise people like P Ravi, Andrew Loh, and TOC and TRE posters sure to complain.

  1. When was the last (or first) time the PM drove his own car?

  2. is it possible for PM to go igconito anywhere?

  3. Even if he can drive, the passengers will not be conned.

  4. Being a PM is not a privilege unlike those we know.

  5. If he did, you all will say pinky wayang.

    • You got gd point. )) Ever tot of offering yr service to PAP IB brigade? LOL. They got some real crappy keyboard warriors like PAP/WP or is it PAP/WO? Can’t tell is O from P, yet a paid-up member of PAP IB. Tried to get me removed from investment bloggers’ link site. BTW, I never asked to join that site, though grateful that site linked to me.

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