
SG50: What to wish LKY

In Uncategorized on 19/03/2015 at 4:31 am

I think Berha Henson has got it about right: She says, “Given his age, I am not sure I can even wish him a speedy recovery. But if there’s such a thing as a good death, I wish it for him. To go peacefully. I mean this sincerely.”

But since when has LKY cared for the views or listened to anyone other than his Mrs? He’ll do things his way: he always has.

He’ll move on when he wants to move on.

To end on a lighter note: since his wife’s death, he had been able to eat nonya food. Apparently his wife made sure he ate only healthy stuff but since her death if he wanted nonya food his sister was more than happy to indulge him.

  1. When Mrs Old Fart up lorry, the Old Fart so gungho, come out in news to say he already signed AMD, don’t want to be hooked up to tubes and kept alive by machines. Now he’s 90% living corpse he still want to remain hooked up. Save some bloody taxpayers money & pull the damn plug already. Old Fart’s monthly pension + free A-class medical expenses can feed 10,000 old & needy folks every month.

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