
Will Fairprice lower the price of its bread?

In Economy on 11/07/2022 at 4:30 am

Couple of weeks ago I bot a loaf of NTUC Fairprice’s wholemeal bread. It had gone up from $1.75 to $ 1.95. Fair enough given that the price of wheat had gone up because of Russian invasion of Ukraine.

But I juz read:

Wheat now trades at the same price as right before the invasion, and almost 40 per cent below the peak in May.


So can I expect the NTUC owned Fairprice to lower its price of bread? Because plebs eat bread and Fairprice and NTUC say that they exist to help the plebs.

I mean even the oil majors recently lowered petrol pump prices when the price of Brent fell sharply.

Coming back to the price of NTUC Fairprice’s bread: somehow I think pigs will fly before there’s a price reduction. Remember NTUC and Fairprice are part of the Pay And Pay complex managed by millionaire PAP ministers. They want to raise GST despite rising inflation that is among the highest in East Asia: Our inflation: Second highest in Asean.

  1. Live by the sword die by the sword.

    If you’ve prospered under PAPies then be prepared to take the crap under the same LOL.

    They need the extra 20 cents to fund the extra GST vouchers & CDC vouchers lol.

    9% GST? That’s for oldies’ medishield coverage — their annual premiums aren’t enough to cover the actual medical expenditures for the oldies cohort.

    For the past 5 years, PAPies have been using Western-style pay-as-you-go system to fund the national healthcare coverage. Younger working age population pay proportionately much higher medishield premiums to help subsidise oldies.

    This was something that LKY & GKS publicly said on TV and newspapers that S’pore would never do for pension scheme — it would always be a save-as-you-go system.

    This is something that our national constructive press has stopped reporting for 20+ years.

    Well, modern realities & healthcare inflation had put paid to that for medical coverage.

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