
Storm in tea cup show why we can’t be another Silicon Valley

In Public Administration on 03/09/2022 at 2:42 pm

I don’t like the public spectacle of putting Jo Schooling and Amanda Lim to shame while purporting to show that despite them confessing to breaking the law, we are a forgiving sort of place. So forgiving that we metaphorically whip them in public.

In Silicon Valley, smoking cannabis is par for the course. It’s residents are already experimenting with edgier stuff.

In today’s FT:

Cannabis has been legal for recreational use in California since 2016. There are dispensaries all over San Francisco — some sleek and shiny, others with a more hippy aesthetic. Will psilocybin mushrooms and LSD be next? Start-ups are focusing on healthcare, using psychedelics to address anxiety and depression. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies has been running studies for years and found success treating PTSD. Just as cannabis was initially available for medical purposes, psychedelic therapy could open the door to changes in drug legislation.

Newsletter from Lex.

Is it right to continue criminalising the smoking of cannabis (especially in private)? After all, the PAP govt by repealing s377A of the Penal Code is going to allow male gays to bugger one another in private. So what’s wrong with smoking ganja in private?

We are no Silicon Valley or even a global city but a kampung.

  1. SG has been described as “Shopping mall with passport control & death penalty”, which still captures the spiritual essence; it used to give hippies haircuts at airport in 60s, banned chewing gum & caned michael fay in 90s; however, SG’s international image mysteriously started to improve in the late 90s; during 00s govt decided to have casinos, confident that tourists would not be put off by SG’s reputation; in 2003 GCT told reporter “homosexuality is no longer a security risk; gays can be appointed to sensitive positions”; bartop dancing, now a forgotten topic, was a big issue around the time; in 2012 saverin moved to SG

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