
PAP: Pls do not use tragedy to push yr agenda

In Uncategorized on 15/03/2011 at 6:24 am

First it was SM who used the Japanese earthquake tragedy to try to make a political point. (My take on his comments)

But now we have a minister I like, and usually respect, BG Yeo doing the same

PAP, don’t try to use a human tragedy to push the PAP agenda for S’pore. It is so fourth world and insulting to the Japanese, dead and living. We are a first world society, so PAP leaders should aspire to the gravitas, decorum and manners of the  Queen of England, a US president or British prime minister, not a Mahathir.

And if you think there is nothing wrong in using tragedy to push the PAP line, why don’t you use the death of Mrs Lee Kuan Yew to push the PAP agenda? I could write on the themes you could use, but I won’t because it would be disrespectful of her, her memory and her family.

  1. […] Excuse me, SM Goh, Japan has a plural Parliament unlike Singapore – Thoughts of a Cynical Investor: PAP: Pls do not use tragedy to push yr agenda – Vinyarb: SM Goh compares Tsunami to SG Flood – My Singapore News: A Japanese lesson – My Little […]

  2. Anything else is fair game in the pap books as long as you do not write about something or someone too close to ‘home’ like the daughter, the son, the famous ‘slapping’ incident, the case of the pap ministers caught in a prohibited area on a GE polling day, the famous Jade condo ‘special’ discount, the specially equipped SIA jumbo that flew to London on a medical mission, the threat of meeting someone in a cul de sac with knuckle dusters on, the use of SAF equipment for the funeral of other than a senior govt official etc.

    It really makes you wonder why there is a need for a law against nudity in your own home when there is so much nakedness parading around in full view of the public?

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