
What MM Lee said of the ties between CCCs and PAP

In Political governance on 23/08/2011 at 9:46 pm

On 30 December 2009, our nation building, constructive ST reported MM Lee as saying of the Chinese officials who come here to study the governance of S’pore,“They discover that the People’s Action Party has only a small office in Bedok. But everywhere they go, they see the PAP – in the RCs, CCCs, and the CCs.”

(RCs (residents’ committees), CCCs (citizens’ consultative committees), and the CCs (community clubs)
are grassroot organisations under the People’s Association. Its Chairman is none other than the PM himself who is also the secretary-general of the PAP.)

Todate no-one from the People’s Association, PAP or government, has to my knowledge, contradicted the then MM Lee.

 Back story. PA waves white flag.

  1. The PA’s annual budget is from who? Taxpayers or PAP’s own coffers? So when the various PA sections get roped in to help PAP as part of its election machinery, or whenever it organises so-called grassroots events which become podiums for various PAP MPs and ministers to give speeches and comments on politics and policies, does it mean that all taxpayers in Singapore have become (involuntary) political donors to PAP?

  2. Pleased bear in mind that the Country of Singapore and whatever assets in Singapore and Worldwide Belongs to the Citizen Of Singapore. All Members of Parliarment and Ministers is obliged to give their utmost to serve the country and its people Volunteerily with good Faith. Even those Excuetives employed by Statutory Boards should do the same and not to abuse in their positions.
    To all the Members of the Government that came in to Parliament, they are Volunteerary, they are not being FORCED to be in The Government.
    After all they are being given all the perks and paid their fair share of millions in salary. Please don’t be GREEDY. Enough is Enough.

  3. […] Kuan Yew, touted-founding father of Singapore, himself made the statement that the PAP (is seen) ‎”in the RCs, CCCs, and the CCs (subsidiary bodies of the PA)” They are not actually afraid to admit it, just afraid that people think bad about that “unique” […]

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