
What happens in ST newsroom

In Humour, Media on 30/05/2013 at 6:29 am
It’s not nice to have to wonder about phone calls in the night or an email to demand that a post be deleted. And it’s not nice to have to second guess what the G (or which god in which department) thinks about this post or that and that particular god-person’s threshold of “sensitivity’’.

Sharp-eyed Siow Kum Hong spotted this from Bertha Henson’s piece Read it as it contains lots of rational criticisms of the new MDA regulations, unlike most of the noise and rubbish coming from netizens’ behinds.

In case, you didn’t know, she was a high ranking, keyboard-wielding Imperial storm trooper dedicated to keeping S’poreans in the dark, before she retired after having repented. She was Dark enough to have been considered to be one of the front runners to be  ST’s editor.

But let’s not hold it against her. There are not enough Jedi for us to be choosy.

  1. Those troopers who have seen the light and repented should stay on to fight the coming war,I am watching carefully but I can agree that “let’s not hold it against her”.

  2. “In case, you didn’t know, she was a high ranking, keyboard-wielding Imperial storm trooper dedicated to keeping S’poreans in the dark, before she retired after having repented. She was Dark enough to have been considered to be one of the front runners to be  ST’s editor.

    But let’s not hold it against her. There are not enough Jedi for us to be choosy.”

    You have a right to your opinion madam, but you don’t have a right to change the historical accounts.

    Besides what cow sense is Henson forwarding? That ridiculous bat claims if we come up with a code of conduct none of this would happen. No, I am not surprised at all that u find her lucid and ‘intelligent’ not at all.

    Good day

    Darkness 2013

  3. […] Regulating Online News Sites — Losing The Online War – Thoughts of a Cynical Investor: What happens in ST newsroom – Website alternatives – Singapolitics: The trouble with trying to […]

  4. When she was part of the Imperial Storm Troopers contingent did she as the tough questions? Now that she’s no longer a part of it and on the other side, it’s easy for her to critique and do a “Ten questions they should have asked but didn’t” gig.

    As the old adage goes, “there is no honour among thieves”.

  5. I will miss the farmer terribly. Dont care whether he is right or wrong. Will just miss him. As every morning before I start work. I always read his blog and play his short clips and somehow that sets me just right. Now I have to make do with the Strait Times. I don’t think it will be the same. I will miss the farmer terribly, so will everybody in my office and in accounts and admin downstairs as well.

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