
Red alert! Achtung! S’poreans approaching 65

In CPF, Financial competency, Financial planning on 08/06/2018 at 10:43 am

Responding to this Why CPF annuity will begin at 75 fat cat investor and ex-medical doctor “abc” said that

In case you didn’t know, the DEFAULT CPF Life payout age is now 70.

This is in the event you don’t get back to CPF before your 65th birthday.

I think this policy started (silently) in 2017.

I asked a financial planner if this assertion was right, and he said after checking with a colleague, “Yes”.

So if u want yr CPF Life payments to start at 65, tell CPF. Otherwise have to wait until 70: which will soon morph into 75 as I predicted.

As, I’m on the minimum sum and I’ll be checking to see if I have to give notice that I want my money from 65 onwards. Until I give CPF details of bank account where the money is to be paid into, I know the money will be rolled over but now I want to know if I don’t give them bank account details before I’m 65, will the payments start only when I’m 70.

Not at it really matters, I’ve not withdrawn any of my CPF monies.

Btw, anyone knows what happens if someone “opts” for payment to begin at 70, but dies between 65-70: will the estate lose “everything” i.e. the amountrs not paid out? If so better start receiving money at 65.

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