
Finally Lim Tean called to account on a “broken promise”

In Uncategorized on 19/12/2018 at 6:49 am

September 2018 was the first anniversary of Lim Tean’s failure to deliver on his jobs rally and defamation video: he had claimed he had raised money to ensure the success of these projects. No pix, no sound: Lim Tean’s first anniversary of BSing

Also no pix, no sound on class action law suit against CPF despite side-kick claiming that

Once the required resources, not just financially, are in place and before the suit is launched, there will be more updates. Action speaks louder than words.

Phillip Ang

CPF class action: Phillip Ang’s “reply’ to fellow cybernut?

Since then, no picture, no sound like Lim Tean’s other two crowdfunding projects.

So good that a judge has called time on what she says is a broken promise by Lim Tean

In her summary judgment, she said: “On my examination of the documents… it was clear to me that they were inadequate to support the defendant’s assertion that the sum of US$150,000 was a down payment for the sale of iron ore to the plaintiff’s company.”

The judge also said Mr Lim’s e-mail was an “unequivocal admission” of the loan.


More details about email:

“On or around Feb 21, 2017, the defendant e-mailed the plaintiff to say, among other things, that he was ‘making arrangements to start paying (the plaintiff) back within the next two months’.

“The defendant also stated that he regretted the ‘long delay’, was ‘very sorry for the inconvenience caused’, and assured the plaintiff that the loan would be repaid.”

Lim Tean is appealing the judge’s ruling. Will he say, “I always break promises so I shouldn’t have to repay”? Btw, his pa was an early head of PA must be spinning in his grave. Btw2, last yr this time he was paying $15,000 in rent a month for a black-and-white bungalow. Don’t know if he has moved on.

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