
Thanks to cybernuts, Fairprice is laughing all the way to bank

In Uncategorized on 17/02/2020 at 6:54 am

NTUC Fairprice made so much money recently that it stopped advertising last Thursday its discounts for the week, saving the money it throws the way of the constructive, nation-building media, and consumers.

The run on the supermarkets by the anti-PAP cybernuts was really money for jam for Fairprice, and Sheng Siong and Giant, the other two supermarkets serving us plebs.

Why do I say the panic-buyers are anti-PAP cybernuts?

Firstly, anti-PAP cybernuts are the people who distrust the PAP govt.

How could the panic-buyers be part of the 70% that vote for the PAP in the last GE? They trust the PAP govt and would not not panicked when DORSCON Orange was announced. (Memo to PAP govt: No amount of communication is possible or needed when dealing with cybernuts. Focus the message on the hard core PAP vote and those who who voted for Tan Cheng Bock in PE2011. Just sneer at the cybernuts and call them stupid trash, unfit to be S’poreans. And think about replacing them with hardworking FTs. Practice eugenics if necessary. The 70% will support any culling policy of the trash.)

Pick-up rate of masks prove Roy and TRE cybernuts wrong

“Singaporeans don’t trust the government,” says Roy Ngerng, saying that the panic buying proves his case. TRE cybernuts roared their approval, claiming that the Spastics League will defeat the PAP in the coming GE.

Let’s see shall we. The PAP will win at least 62% of the popular vote is my prediction.

In the meantime, how does Roy and his equally nutty TRE fans explain the slow pick-up rate of the masks

The truth is that the majority of voters trust the PAP govt to look after us. They are so trusting that as of the morning of the final collection date, which was 9 Feb, only 54% of households collected their masks, according to The Straits Times (ST).

Collection date for the masks now extended until 29 Feb.

Panic? What panic?/ Anti-PAP activists loi hei wish

Roy and fellow nutters should accept the fact that while they don’t trust the govt, the majority of S’poreans do trust the govt to look after them. In fact, 46% of households were too complacent: they didn’t bother to collect the masks.


Secondly these panic buyers did not have Fairprice co-op membership cards. Secret Squirrel’s sidekick Morocco Mole informs me that his second cousin removed who works in Fairprice told him that the purchasers did not get the 5% off the listed prices that members get (Rebate paid annually). Given their distrust of the PAP govt,  cybernuts would be unlikely to be co-op members especially as nowadays only NTUC members can the join co-op. (My mum joined when there was no need to be an NTUC member: they were so desperate for S’poreans to join them in the early 70s.)

Taz another reason why Fairprice is laughing all the way to the bank. No rebates will be paid to the hoarders who social media reports say paid each an average of between $800 to $1000 for a trolley-load of groceries.

As my mum is a Fairprice co-op member, she can expect a bigger dividend next yr.

Even though she’s in her late 90s, she’ll vote in the next GE to show her appreciation. Despite owning private property and living off her dividend income, she got to go to Raffles Hospital at SingHealth rates for B2 patients: Bill: Private hospital treatment, public hospital fees.




  1. i also think that anti PAP ppl are creating the mass hysteria

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