
SMRT: Racist PR team?

In Infrastructure on 22/12/2011 at 9:13 am

Hey S’poreans, don’t juz “blast” PAP “Flame on” MP for his racist comments, “I noticed that the PR mentioned that some of the staff because they are Malay, they are Indian, they can’t converse in English good, well enough, so that also deters them, from (sic) but I think we accept broken English.”

Remember, he was also quoting SMRT (SVP Goh “You die first, don’t damage SMRT property”?). According to Yahoo!, “During the latest episode of “Blog.TV” on Channel NewsAsia on Monday, the MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC had said one of the reasons for SMRT’s unpreparedness to deal with the disruptions last week was, according to the company’s public relations team, the bad command of English by SMRT’s Malay and Indian staff.”

If SMRT does not come out to deny that one of its PR  persons made the racist comment, then we have to assume that the remark was made. Juz like the assumption that SMRT places a higher priority on its property than commuters dying or being put in distress. Remember SMRT never clarified SVP’s Goh comments on damaging its property to save lives if the emergency syatems did not work. They were not working when SVP Goh made his remarks about not ever damaging SMRT property.

Phew, glad I’ve not bot SMRT shares yet. What a bunch of inept managers. According to Senang Diri, there are possibly several ex-SAF colonels in SMRT. Our neighbours must be watching with amusement. We may have the “betterest” weopens, but are our officers any gd? Looks not judging by those ex-colonels in SMRT.

Still keep an eye on SMRT. If senior managers are culled, and new gd ones brought in, the stock could be interesting. I’m putting it on my “watch” list.

  1. […] or Witch-hunt? – Thoughts of a Cynical Investor: SMRT: Racist PR team? – Think Happiness: Racist remarks indefensible – Feed Me To The Fish: Why sometimes I feel bad […]

  2. Its that dastardly fight or flight instinct which evolution has blessed/cursed the human race with. Instead of calming down and thinking through things, most people will just reach for the most convenient thing to say or to do.

    Ironically, it is also an indication of character, since the first words that do come out of their mouths or the first things they do are probably the unconscious values they hold in their subconscious.

    After realizing this, I’ve became very depressed for a while about the human beings around us. Save for the veneer of civilization, we have not come very far at all. We tend to react first rather than to take time to construct our thoughts, and unfortunately, the things that do come out tend to be quite ugly.

    • Hey it’s the time of triple merry making_ Christmas, NY and in late Jan CNY.

      Don’t be so pessimistic leh. Ask abc for his “no worries” medication. ))))

  3. Just buy and collect dividends lah. Good times ahead. Don’t watch the clowns in SMRT lah. Watch the jokers in Temasek instead.

  4. This is the comment that SHT is referring to that came from SMRT…………

    The comment was made by SMRT’s Senior Vice President for Communication and Services Goh Chee Kong in response to a question on how SMRT planned to improve its communication with passengers. This was broadcast over the radio:

    “What we’re mindful of is that our people, our staff at the stations and in the trains may not be making sufficient announcements and also good enough announcements. And that’s because our staff of different races, it could be Malay, Chinese, or Indians or any other race, they sometimes find it difficult to speak in English. However we’ve encouraged them to make the announcements and not to worry about that……………………”

  5. Aya this bunch of inept mgrs and their esp badly speaking malay station charges will forever be one big joke tobl fit their record unlessbthe whole damm bloody outfit is reconstitutes bottom up-then down again, not jus shuffling of few key ex SAF col mgmt staff as is case now. Desmond Quek our little 3star top dog there better head this or as surely as can be SMRT is heading for the dogs come 2013 n beyond-at expence of travelling public of course, not array of deadwood totally inept staion n operatiinal staff, Smrt us sorta private orgz govt proxy that allows their very customers to suffer and take flak first whilst most happily retaining their most problematic staff, their corporate culture in short! This has to change mr 3star or else allvyour stars gonna be dragged thru mud along wi these operational deliquents n low calibre poorly communicative ‘support staff’ what a joke!

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